The Employee Retention Credit was a landmark bill that passed in the US during the pandemic. But since it passed, there have been a number of revisions and alterations. Here are the main changes.
As of September 2021, four states with legal recreational or medical cannabis programs—Oregon, California, Illinois, and Maryland—require companies to adopt retirement plans. Seven other states with legal cannabis are in the process of adopting similar mandates.
Estate planning is just as essential as everything else on your to-do list. In this guide, we cover a brief overview of estate planning, why it is necessary, and what makes getting started now easier than ever before.
According to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, or ERISA, no employer is required to establish a retirement plan. But there are different requirements related to offering a retirement plan depending on the state your company is based in.
While virtually all states with legal cannabis programs now require cannabis companies to offer their employees retirement plans, each state has its own process and timeline for satisfying these requirements.
Are you in your 60’s, 50’s, or even 40’s and beginning to think about retiring? Here are five essential late-retirement-planning tips that address both your financial and personal well-being before and during retirement.
At Leading Retirement Solutions we believe there are a number of great reasons for women business owners to select a woman-owned 401(k) provider when they shop for a retirement plan.
Planning for the distant future can be daunting for some, but if you avoid these five financial mistakes, it will help make sure you can do the things you envisioned yourself enjoying in your twilight years.
Check out our top ten list of tricks for avoiding unnecessary tax expenses on your retirement account withdrawals so that you can make the most of your golden years.
As anyone in the cannabis industry knows, running a direct cannabis business is no simple feat. This is why ancillary cannabis businesses are such vital partners to have: They can offer the services cannabis companies can’t, bolstering said companies and the industry at-large.
About 7% of Americans between 65 and 74 started a new business in 2019. Our friends at LegalZoom created a visual providing a variety of business ideas for seniors, like acting as a life coach or working as an independent consultant. Find out more:
Upper-level turnover has catastrophic impacts on a cannabis company’s ability to compete in the industry. Luckily, offering retirement benefits at your cannabis company can prevent management turnover. Find out how.
One of the keys to running a highly profitable and successful company is keeping your employees happy. The methods for building a competitive employee benefits package described here can create a significant impact on employee job satisfaction at your company.
In a budding and highly-competitive industry, cannabis companies need to consistently generate unique products and services in order to stand out. Employee benefits, including a company sponsored 401(k), will inspire long-term innovation and success.
With more people using the internet and a wider distribution of large companies throughout the world, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to still make money while you’re retired.